Free Free Palestine

Free Palestine: A Call for Justice

As the world continues to spiral out of control, it’s truly disheartening to witness how my country, the United States, persistently supports the genocidal actions of Israel. The very ideals that America claims to uphold—freedom, equality, and justice for all—seem to vanish when it comes to the people of Palestine. The U.S. has chosen to align itself with Israeli interests, heavily influenced by lobbyists like AIPAC, while disregarding the plight of Palestinians.

Since the tragic events of 9/11, which I firmly believe involved Mossad and Saudi Arabia, there has been a concerted effort to vilify the Muslim community worldwide. The so-called "War on Terror" became an excuse for the U.S. and Israel to wage war against Muslim and Arab nations, displacing millions, all under the guise of "fighting terrorism."

These wars have killed millions of innocent civilians and displaced countless more since 9/11. The repercussions of these conflicts are not just numbers; they represent lives destroyed, families torn apart, and futures shattered. It's impossible to overlook the broader impact: the destabilization of entire regions and the rise of extremist ideologies fueled by the continuous occupation and violence.

Israel, for decades, has sought to destroy the Palestinian people and any hope for a peaceful future in the Middle East. Gaza remains an open-air prison, bombed indiscriminately, while the West Bank continues to be consumed by illegal settlements. The forced evictions of Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem are just one of many examples of the systematic oppression Palestinians endure.

The Israeli government and military justify these actions by branding all resistance as terrorism. However, resisting occupation is not terrorism; it is the natural human response to oppression. The world must understand this distinction.

There seems to be no viable path forward if Israel continues on this destructive path. What we are witnessing is not just the destruction of Palestinian land and lives but the destruction of Israel’s own moral and ethical standing. The apartheid regime in Israel is a cancer that affects not only the Middle East but the global community.

I urge everyone reading this to research AIPAC and the role they play in shaping U.S. foreign policy. They have misled American politicians and the public for years, portraying Israel as a victim while ignoring or justifying its crimes against humanity.

This is not just about politics. This is about the fundamental right of people to live in peace and dignity. It is about standing up for justice, no matter where you are in the world. My heart and prayers will always be with the people of Palestine and my Muslim brothers and sisters suffering across the Middle East.

Additional Details and Resources:

The Palestinian people have endured decades of hardship under the illegal Israeli occupation. Gaza, often described as the world’s largest open-air prison, has been subject to countless military assaults, most recently during the bombings that claimed hundreds of lives in just a matter of days. According to the United Nations, over 70% of Gaza’s population is made up of refugees, forced from their homes due to the ongoing conflict.

The Israeli military justifies their actions as self-defense, but the reality on the ground paints a different picture. Human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have documented numerous war crimes, including the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas and the use of excessive force against peaceful protesters. These are not isolated incidents but part of a larger, systemic pattern of violence that has been ongoing for over 70 years.

The continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank is another clear violation of international law. The Fourth Geneva Convention explicitly prohibits the transfer of an occupying power's civilian population into occupied territory. Yet, Israel has continued to build settlements, pushing Palestinians out of their homes and annexing more land.

For those who seek to understand the depth of this tragedy, I encourage you to start by looking into these key sources:

  • Human Rights Watch: Israel/Palestine Report

  • Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians

  • UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency): Palestine Refugees

It is time for the world to wake up to the truth. The situation in Palestine is not complicated; it is clear: Israel is committing atrocities against an oppressed people, and it is our duty to stand up for them.